Members from all around the state, including Secondary, Postsecondary/Collegiate and even Middle School, gather to take full advantage of HOSA’s Competitive Events Program. Typically held in the spring, the State Leadership Conference incorporates not only Competitive Events but Recognition Events too. Elections for the new State Executive Council are also held, and multiple scholarships are distributed. Members are also given the opportunity to network with one another and few exhibitors. They also listen in on an enlightening guest speaker and participate in entertaining down time activities. Before the day Conference comes to a close, awards are distributed to each events top 5 participants, however, only the top 3 advance to the International Leadership Conference, and the new council is officially inducted through an exciting Candle lighting ceremony.
When: March 29 & 30, 2025 from 8:30 am to 5 pm each day (Arrive between 7:30 am to 8:15 am for Registration/Breakfast) SNOW DATE: April 5 & 6th, 2025
Where: BCIT Westampton, 695 Woodlane Rd, Westampton NJ
Registration deadline: February 28, 2025
List of State Leadership Conference Competitive Events
- Fees must be sent to us at Kean University. If you need a w-9 form, please let us know.
- No changes, alternates, or substitutions are allowed 2 weeks prior to the conference.
- If students are self paying, please make sure payment is in hand before registering them.
- No refunds will be issued.
Dress code:
Students are required to dress as per the NJ dress code. Download NJ HOSA Dress Code (pdf)
Photo IDs:
Students will be required to show their ID to judges. Acceptable forms of ID can be found in Appendix G at