New Jersey HOSA’s southern members gather at the Southern Regional Leadership Conference each year to put their skills to the test. Secondary and Postsecondary/Collegiate members compete in dozens of different events varying from skilled to knowledge. A guest speaker attends and speaks to members on certain topics typically pertaining to the medical industry and life lessons, and is followed by a relaxing down time session. Come the end of the day, awards are distributed to each event’s top 5 participants where the top 3 later advance to compete in the State Leadership Conference.
When: February 22, 2025 from 8:00am – 5pm
Where: Cumberland County Technical Education Center, Vineland, NJ
Registration deadline: Dec 13, 2024
Regional Conference Competitive Events
Conference limits:
- Due to safety reasons, we are limiting the attendance. For SRC, there will be a maximum of 550 people allowed.
- A maximum of 5 competitors are allowed per event. Students are allowed to compete in one event only.
- Fees must be sent to us at Kean University. If you need a w-9 form, please let us know.
- No changes, alternates, or substitutions are allowed 2 weeks prior to the conference.
- If students are self paying, please make sure payment is in hand before registering them.
- No refunds will be issued.
Dress code:
Students are required to dress as per the NJ dress code. Download NJ HOSA Dress Code (pdf)
Photo IDs:
Students will be required to show their ID to judges. Acceptable forms of ID can be found in Appendix G at